Legner is new ISPFMRA president

Daniel Legner, ARA, heads up the 2018 leadership team of the Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
He and the other officers were elected during the organization’s Annual Meeting held February 8 in Champaign. Other members of the team are Rob Woodrow, AFM, president-elect, Farmland Solutions, LLC, Sherman, IL; Gary Schnitkey, Ph.D., secretary/treasurer, University of Illinois, Champaign, Maria Boerngen, Ph.D., academic vice president, Illinois State University, Normal, IL; Seth Baker, AFM, vice president, Field Level Agriculture, Mt. Zion, IL, and; Eric Wilkinson, AFM, immediate-past president, Hertz Farm Management, Kankakee.
Legner is Senior Appraiser with Compeer Financial (formerly 1st Farm Credit Services) in Princeton, IL. He received his Accredited Rural Appraiser designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers in 2005.