Crop production report issued

USDA issued the November crop production report Thursday which showed corn production up two percent from the October forecast and soybean production down less than a percent.
Corn production is forecast at 14.6 billion bushels, down 4 percent from last year but up 2 percent from the October forecast. Based on conditions as of November 1, yields are expected to average 175.4 bushels per acre, up 3.6 bushels from the October forecast and up 0.8 bushel from 2016. If realized, this will be the highest yield on record for the United States. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 83.1 million acres, unchanged from the previous estimate but down 4 percent from 2016.
Soybean production is forecast at a record 4.43 billion bushels, down less than 1 percent from October but up 3 percent from last year. Based on November 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 49.5 bushels per acre, unchanged from last month but down 2.5 bushels from last year. Area for harvest in the United States is forecast at a record high 89.5 million acres, unchanged from last month.
Illinois crop production numbers:
Corn: Planted area is estimated at 11.20 million acres, down 3 percent from last year. Harvested area, forecast at 11.05 million acres, is down 3 percent from 2016. Based on November 1 conditions, the Illinois corn yield is forecast at 198 bushels per acre, up 6 bushels from the previous forecast and up 1 bushel from 2016. Production is forecast at 2.19 billion bushels, down 3 percent from last year’s production. If realized, this would be the second highest yield on record.
Soybeans: Planted area is estimated at 10.60 million acres, up 5 percent from last year. Harvested area, forecast at 10.54 million acres, is up 5 percent from 2016. Based on November 1 conditions, the Illinois soybean yield is forecast at 58 bushels per acre, up 1 bushel from the previous forecast but down 1 bushel from 2016. Production is forecast at 611 million bushels, up 3 percent from 2016 and the highest production level on record for Illinois.