Several enjoy 'Flick on the Farm'

FAIRBURY – Around 100 people gathered in front of a barn over the weekend to enjoy a family movie on a cool summer night.
The second annual Flick on the Farm from the Livingston County Farm Bureau Promotions and Education Committee included a showing of Walt Disney’s Zootopia at the farmstead of Randy and Hope Perry north of Fairbury.
“I thought it would be neat to show a movie on the side of a barn and get a bunch of people to come out and have a night in the country,” explained Kent Blunier, founder of the Farm Hats Facebook page and Flick on the Farm.
Blunier was impressed with the turnout and the great weather on Saturday. Farm Hats organized the meal, which included pork burgers provided by the Pork Producers and chips and buns supplied by the Livingston County Corn Growers Association. All of the proceeds raised benefit the Ag in the Classroom program.
“We couldn’t ask for better weather,” said Livingston County Farm Bureau President Jason Bunting. “I hope it rings true and we can get this movie in without any rain.”
Local residents Kelly and Cindy Kinate brought three different varieties of turkeys, baby ducklings, chickens and a rabbit to the event for children to enjoy.
“That way, the kids get a chance to see the different animals,” Kelly said.
The Kinates have been members of a group known as Stewards of the Land for several years. They use chemical-free practices on their farm and send excess produce to restaurants in Chicago, Champaign, Peoria and Bloomington.
The Farm Bureau also provided a variety of free games and activities for all ages prior to the movie showing. Bunting believes this serves as a great consumer outreach event, since visitors can get an up-close look at combines, tractors and items that come from the garden.
Another upcoming event for the Livingston County Farm Bureau includes a trap shoot fundraiser on Aug. 27. The “Pull for Ag Students” event takes place at 4-H Park near Pontiac with the club opening at 8:30 a.m. and registration for the 50 bird derby at 9. Registration ends at 10:30. Funds raised are used for the $2,000 Elite Foundation Scholarship for a sophomore or junior in college majoring in an agricultural field.