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View from the Cab: Non-stop work

Trying to wrap-up work before heading on vacation seems like a next to impossible task.

I have been trying to work ahead to prepare for some summer rest and relaxation. It seems the more I try to do, the faster time goes by. If we only had the option of pausing time, that would help greatly. It doesn’t help that this is an extremely busy time of the year, as farm projects seem to pop up left and right and summer fair season is right around the corner.

In addition to typing stories, recording interviews and covering rural America as I do every day, last week was also spent spraying and mowing. I am working on my farmer’s tan so I look like a true Midwesterner when I visit Florida. Luckily, I will be somewhat used to the tropical climate I am about to experience since we just had a June heatwave here in Central Illinois.

If I can use the hand sprayer while wearing long sleeves and a hat in the hot summer sun, I can surely wait in line to see Mickey and Minnie, right? I haven’t been to Florida in years and am honestly looking forward to a little getaway with the family.

How about those rains last week? The rainfall totals varied, but it is safe to say much of Central Illinois received a much-needed drink after some abnormally dry early June weather. As of early last week, statewide average precipitation was about 15 percent of normal and State Climatologist Jim Angel said the top few inches of soil had dried out. That shouldn’t be the case now as those soils have been recharged by recent rains.

Amazingly, the weed pressure hasn’t been too bad in corn and soybean fields lately, but that could all change if we see more of a wet weather pattern set up here in the coming days. A field I scouted the other day had hardly any weeds in it which is alright with me. I think we all just need to keep a close eye on the soybeans in case the evil waterhemp decides to show its ugly face.

The busy summer ag meeting and event season is already here. Schertz Aerial Service held its annual summer grower meeting at the Cooksville facility in McLean County last week and KidSmart Safety Day took place at Livingston County 4-H Park on Thursday. Stay tuned for more excitement on the ag news front this summer!

(The View from the Cab blog is powered each week by Petersen Chevrolet-Buick in Fairbury)

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