Elevators look ahead to new season
Coming off some good harvests, elevators such as Prairie Central Cooperative have a good amount of grain to ship out before the next harvest.
Grain Merchandiser Mike Kilgus says Prairie Central can hit many different export markets. They are waiting to see how spring shapes up for the area.
“There’s a lot of talk on bean and corn acres. I think in our area, a lot of guys will plant corn and like to plant corn,” Kilgus said.
An elevator’s busy time is when grain comes in, but the staff finds plenty of work to do the rest of the year too.
“We’re buying grain from the farmers whenever they want to sell it. Then it takes a long time to ship all of that grain out,” Kilgus adds.
Kilgus refers to shipping grain as a “year-round” project. When the elevator not shipping it, they are making sure the grain is in good condition.
More information on Prairie Central Cooperative can be found online at www.prairiecentralcoop.com. Also, search for the smartphone app, call or stop by the main office at Weston.