Farm Economics Summit planned

The University of Illinois has announced plans for the 2016 Illinois Farm Economics Summit.
This year's theme will be, "The Profitability of Illinois Agriculture: The Margin Squeeze Continues." Sponsors include U of I Farmdoc, College of Agriculture and Consumer Economics, FBFM and U of I Extension.
Dates and locations are as follows:
Monday, Dec. 12 - I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.
Tuesday, Dec. 13 - Faranda's Banquet Center in Dekalb.
Wednesday, Dec. 14 - Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino in Peoria.
Thursday, Dec. 15 - Crowne Plaza in Springfield.
Friday, Dec. 16 - Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon.
Speakers from the Farmdoc team will explore the farm profitability outlook and management challenges from several perspectives, including the 2017 outlook for prices, farm financial management in tough times, needed changes in farmland leases and updates on the farm program safety net.
For registration questions, contact Nancy Simpson at 217-244-9687 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or e-mail: