End in sight for many

GIBSON CITY – The end is in sight for Gibson City area farmer Greg Kerber, although he still has some harvesting left.
Kerber’s harvest has been going well so far with solid yields. This will be one of the better crops Kerber has experienced during his farming career but not a record year.
“The plant health on the corn was a little better this year than I thought it might be. With all the moisture, I didn’t spray much with fungicide so I don’t have a real good comparison on that,” Kerber said.
Corn dried down surprisingly well this season and growers were able to harvest at the appropriate moisture levels. The last time we experienced a late harvest, corn much of the corn was still at 31 or 32 percent moisture at this time.
“The elevators have done a wonderful job of keeping up with what we’ve been throwing at them. They kept us going so I appreciate that,” Kerber adds.
Kerber is also busy getting fertilizer applied and doing fall tillage work.
“We are trying to pick and choose which areas we are going to do that in. I’ve had a Monsanto test plot the last few years so we got that chiseled.”